OMG!!! I can't believe I haven't updated since Christmas. I feel like so much has happened but then not a whole lot at the same time.
Anyhoo, pretty much everyone knows that Chris retired this year. We are now a whole family, YAY!!! We also have started "doing" Advocare. A premiere health and wellness company. We have everything from products for weight loss, athletic performance, energy and even skin care. Our ball is rolling slowly but rolling none the less. Starting any kind of home based business is a process and we are keeping our hearts and minds open to learning not only about the business and how to "do" it but how to grow ourselves too.
We've been able to do typical summer activities that most people get to do every year that have been new to us. We went to the beach when it was 90* and couldn't have had more fun. It was awesome!!! Chris got to help coach Christopher's little league team.

A dream he's always had. In the past we've had the opportunity to travel to some amazing places that a lot of people won't have the chance to go to at all in their lives. But there's nothing like not having that lingering feeling of when/where Chris will go to next.
With the help of Advocare's 24 Day Challenge Chris and I are in the best shape of our lives and and are only getting better. We also love the fact that we are showing our kids how important it is to eat right and be active. He has lost about 20 lbs and to date I have lost a total of 30 lbs. It is such a relief to finally get that extra weight off that I've been carrying around for the last 7 years!!!
We celebrated Christopher's 7th birthday in April,

we just celebrated Zachary's 5th birthday and Brooke will be 2 in October. Oh how time flies...
I have decided to take on a challenge, competing in my first fitness competition. I've seen them on tv before and have always been intrigued but never in a million years did I think I would ever be a part of one. I can't decide if it'll be my only one or if this could become a regular thing for me. I guess I'll wait to see how this one goes and then make that decision.
A couple trips to the beach, a dinner picnic at the park and too many jumps on the trampoline to count our first summer home all together has been quite enjoyable. We get to wake up as a family, go through our normal daily routine, put the kids and ourselves to bed and do it all again the next day. It's pretty rare that both parents get to stay home with their kids, we are truly blessed.
With school starting in just a few short weeks things will change a bit. Christopher will go into the second grade, Zachary will start kindergarten and Brooke might spend some time at preschool. Our fingers are crossed that there's still a spot open by the time her birthday comes around. If not that's okay. Just more time with our precious little girl.
We are so very excited for what the future holds. I kinda feel like our lives are finally starting since there is no more "season" and "off season". I am so grateful for the life baseball has allowed us to develop but I/we are so glad it's over too.