Sunday, December 16, 2012

It's been a while...

Oh, my goodness, I don't even know where to start.  It's been a year and half since I've posted anything, that's how fast time flies by I guess.

Oh well, lemme see if I can catch you all up to speed...

Chris got a coaching job with the Angels and spent the summer in Cedar Rapids, IA.  After a couple trips to AZ during spring training and school was out in June, the kids and I spent the rest of the summer with him.  Boy was it HOT!!!  This year the boys were old enough to go to the field with him.  They went every single day!  Brooke and I always found something to do.  Whether it was going to the public pool, there was a park near by that had a "splash pad" water feature which she loved.  We did a lot of mother/daughter bonding.  And she is the best person to watch a baseball game with.  She sat with me, fairly still too, for the duration of the most of the games.  Going on looooong car rides too.  All the kids did really well just going with the flow.  After living in a hotel for 3 months we were very ready to get home.  We even got to enjoy some sunny weather at home!

Christopher is 9 and in the 4th grade.  He had a really good little league season at the "kid pitch" level.  He really likes his teacher (not so much last year) and is learning how to juggle in class.  He is absolutely loving it.  He gets really excited when he gets to do these timed multiplication worksheets.  The goal is to get 100 correct in 5 minutes and he's been getting 150+.  The next goal is to get to 200 in the same amount of time.  He is a true competitor!

Zachary is 7 and in the 2nd grade.  He likes his teacher too.  Dance and P.E. are is favorite "subjects".  His teacher says he is "relatively quiet in class but has a lot energy when he's at recess or outside structured learning.  He gets along easily with his classmates and peers.  He is goofy and silly with his friends but makes good choices, avoids conflicts and is able to leave the play on the playground."  He has such a tender heart, you can't help but to love him.

Brooke turned 4 in October.  She is going to preschool a few afternoons a week.  She too loves school always asking when she gets to go.  She does gymnastics one day a week and after the new year she'll start ballet one day a week.  She has just as much energy as her brothers.  On Halloween she hung in there with her brothers and few of their friends.

I have a few clients for the personal training I do out of our house.  And the rest of the time I'm doing regular "mommy" stuff.

We have decided to spend a little more time as a family during the 2013 baseball season.  We will take the kids out of school and homeschool them the last couple months of the school year so we can be with Chris for extended spring training in Tempe, AZ and Orem, UT June-Sept.  It's definitely uncharted territory for us, homeschooling, but we're going to give it a try.

The kids LOVE having Rick and Paula next door.  And my parents have moved back to Vancouver, yay!  Now they get to spend more time with their grandkids.  Not something easily achieved living an hour away.  So glad to have them so close.

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